Friday, February 24, 2012

Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Prayer Warriors,
Honduras is now the most violent country in the world. Honduras’ President has done almost nothing to stop the violence and the incredible amount of corruption in the government and police. Drug gangs have now infiltrated every level of government and society. It has become a regular occurrence to hear about five or six people being killed at a time or bodies being found dumped alongside of the road. There is little investigation done by the authorities, and literally 99% of murders go unsolved. I’m not saying this to try and scare anyone, but to praise God for His protection! In spite of the lawless climate, God has kept us safe up to now, please pray for our continued protection! 
There is another important issue that directly affects churches here, including our work. A law was passed here at the end of 2010 that many fear could lead to persecution against certain churches (like independent Baptists). The law only legally recognizes churches that are part of the corrupt, ecumenical Confraternidad Evangelica (Evangelical Fraternity) and leaves the door open for the government to shut down churches as "illegal" that do not belong to the Fraternity. Many groups, independent Baptists included, have complained to the government about it and tried taking it to court, but the Honduran Supreme Court has just been ignoring the issue, hoping it will die down. These are interesting times to be in Honduras! 
We are still praying about the wall that we need to build around the church property. Just recently we got some quotes on materials and labor, and it looks like it is going to cost us about $8000 to finish the wall.  After we finish the wall we can start to plan the construction of the church building. Every month construction materials get more and more expensive, so we want to finish this as soon as possible. Giving at church has been steadily increasing for over a year now and there are people that have given sacrificially towards this. But, with the low wages that people here make and the relatively high cost of building materials, we’ll need your prayers to be able to finish this! 
Jesus told us to pray for laborers for the harvest. As time goes by, my family and I have an ever increasing burden to reach Cofradía and its surrounding areas with the gospel. We praise the Lord for several professions of faith in Christ during the month of January while out door to door to door soulwinning. We are also thankful that more people are getting a burden to reach others with the gospel. However, there is still a great deal left to do and we need you to pray with us that the Lord of the harvest would raise up more laborers to send into His field! We have even prayed specifically that another missionary family would join us to form a team and help reach this field more effectively. Thanks for your prayers and support!
In Christ,

Mike, Rosy, Keren, and Mikey Veasey 
Hebrews 6:10

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