Thursday, June 24, 2010

We found out that even though the Jehovah's (false) Witnesses will leave literature anywhere, including on church doors, they don't appreciate it when you return the favor. One of them chased us down in his truck as we were leaving that night and yelled at us for leaving tracts on their gate.


  1. I don't believe you. JW elders would just toss your tract or if they did 'chase you down' it would be to talk, you do remember that we love to talk about our faith?

  2. Well, I guess that you could call what he did talking, just in sort of an agitated way. And after he had followed us for about 100 yards on a dark road where locals told us that robberies are frequent, flashing his high beams and scaring my wife, finally pulling up beside us, he must have decided that this was the best way to "talk about his faith" with us.
