Last year in October the Lord blessed us with a property for the church. Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible! Since then we have been busy working to get it ready to build a church building on it (some time in the future). It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but there was a very deep ditch in the middle of it. It was also lower in the back half then in the front. We knew when we bought it that we were going to have to invest in filling it in, and at present we have dumped 70 dump-truck loads of dirt on the property.
The next step will be to build a good wall around it. If we don’t, anything that we build on it will probably get vandalized or stolen. Just to give you an idea, we closed in an opening with cement blocks to prevent cows from coming in. It lasted about a month and then someone, probably kids, knocked it down. The property has a wall around it that was started by the previous owner, but the materials and workmanship are of very poor quality. Some of the blocks will literally crumble in your hand and others come loose with just a slight nudge. We knew this when we bought the property, but since we got it for about half of what it is worth we aren’t complaining!
We are going to have to replace at least half of the wall, as it is not strong enough to support the weight of the material that we dumped on the property. A few weeks ago during a big storm, a part of the wall collapsed that had already cracked under the weight of the material. We were praying for God’s leading and now it’s clear what the next step has to be! Please pray for God’s provision during this next phase.
We have seen several people saved as a direct answer to prayer. One of the men in the church prayed for his neighbors to be saved. Not long after that we began soul winning in that area and four of his neighbors have prayed to accept Christ so far! Praise the Lord! Several of the children that come to church have also prayed to accept Christ recently. Our six year old daughter Keren sat down with one of her friends and talked about other kids that had received Christ. Soon Keren was telling Angela that she needed to get saved too and Angela cried and prayed to accept Christ! If a six year old can be a soul winner, the rest of us don’t have any excuses. In March we went to the village of Buenos Aires and Cusuco National Park with the young people from Gethsemani Baptist Mission in San Pedro. Four people accepted Christ while handing out tracts in Buenos Aires! Like many other towns and villages here, Buenos Aires has no sound, Bible-believing church.
Our Mother’s day service went well with two adult first time visitors and several people who had not been out in awhile attending. Pray that the people here would continue growing and be faithful.
Serving Christ on the Front Line in Honduras,
Mike, Rosy, Keren, and Mikey Veasey
Hebrews 6:10